Thursday, November 3, 2016

Goal: 500 QSOs and a sweep in SS CW

I'll set a goal of 500 QSOs and a clean sweep in this weekend's CW Sweepstakes. I am totally unprepared, other than having gotten N1MM all set up last night. I'll aim to throw up the wire dipole Saturday morning. Right now there are no sunspots, the A Index is 18, and the K Index is 4. Getting the sweep may be hard!

-- Update --

Well, not quite. I did make the sweep, but only 451 QSOs. Motivation was a bit lacking. But for those of you in my log, thanks for the Qs!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Goal: 500 QSOs in CaQP

The California QSO Party is this weekend, and I'm aiming for at least 500 QSOs. There, I said it.


And I made it:
 Band   Mode  QSOs     Pts  Mul  Pt/Q
   3.5  CW      55     165    0   3.0
   3.5  LSB      6      12    0   2.0
     7  CW     104     312    3   3.0
     7  LSB     16      32    0   2.0
    14  CW     164     492   14   3.0
    14  USB     17      32    0   1.9
    21  CW     131     393   32   3.0
    21  USB     24      48    1   2.0
 Total  Both   517    1486   50   2.9
Score: 74,300
1 Mult = 10.3 Q's

Friday, April 15, 2016

My First Sprint

Last night I did my first-ever sprint (NS CW Sprint). I haven't felt this clueless since my first Novice Roundup in 1970-something!

NCCC Sprint - Apr 15

Call: KM6I
Operator(s): KM6I
Station: KM6I

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Mountain View, CA
Operating Time (hrs): .5

Band  QSOs  Mults
  80:  6      4
  40:  5      5
  20:  3      2
Total:  14    11  Total Score = 154

Club: Northern California Contest Club


My first sprint experience. Felt like I stepped into
the fast lane of the 101 at rush hour. Ouch.

K3, dipole @ 60ft.